محمد ایک بار پھر برطانیہ اور ویلز میں مقبول ترین نام

محمد نام کو ایک بار پھر برطانیہ اور ویلز میں لڑکوں کے لیے سب سے مقبول
ترین نام قرار دیا گیا ہے۔ برطانیہ کے محکمہ شماریات (او این ایس) کی جانب سے 2015 کے مقبول ترین ناموں کی فہرست جاری کی گئی جس میں بظاہر سرفہرست ہے مگر پھر بھی محمد نام کو سب سے مقبول قرار دیا گیا ہے۔ اس کی وجہ محمد نام کے انگلش ہجوں یا اسپیلنگ میں فرق ہے۔ برطانوی روزنامے انڈیپینڈنٹ کے مطابق Muhammad نام 12 ویں، Mohammed 29 ویں، Mohammad 68 ویں جبکہ Muhammed 121 ویں نمبر پر موجود ہے۔ جب ان سب ہجوں والے ناموں کا ڈیٹا اکھٹا کیا گیا تو یہ 7570 بچوں کا نام نکلا جبکہ نمبرون پر موجود اولیور نام 6941 بچوں کا تھا۔ اس فہرست میں محمد نام چار جگہ موجود ہی اپنے اسپیلنگ کے فرق کی وجہ سے ہے ورنہ سب کا مطلب ایک ہی ہے۔

برطانوی محکمے کے مطابق محمد نام مقبولیت کے اعتبار سے سرفہرست سو ناموں میں پہلی بار 1924 میں داخل ہوا تھا جس کے بعد سے اس کی مقبولیت میں ہر گزرتے برس اضافہ ہورہا ہے۔ اس کی ایک ممکنہ وجہ برطانیہ اور ویلز میں مسلم آباد ی میں اضافہ ہے جو اس وقت مجموعی آبادی کے پانچ فیصد حصے کے برابر ہے۔ ماہرین کا کہنا ہے کہ یہ نام تو ایک ہی ہے مگر یہ لوگوں پر ہے کہ اس کے ہجے یا اسپیلنگ کیسے کرتے ہیں، مگر سب کا مطلب ایک ہی ہوتا ہے۔ اس سے پہلے 2014 میں بھی محمد نام برطانیہ میں سرفہرست رہا تھا جبکہ اس سال عمر، علی اور ابراہیم بھی پہلی بار سو مقبول ترین ناموں میں شامل ہوئے تھے۔

Hijama in Islamic Hadith

Hijama in Islamic hadith 
Cupping is mentioned in the Islamic hadith (reported sayings of Muhammad (PBUH):
Narrated Ibn ‘Abbas (R) : (The Prophet (PBUH) said), “Healing is in three things: A gulp of honey, cupping, and branding with fire (cauterizing). But I forbid my followers to use (cauterization) branding with fire.”
Narrated Ibn ‘Abbas (R) : The Prophet (PBUH) was cupped on his head for an ailment he was suffering from while he was in a state of Ihram at a water place called Lahl Jamal. Ibn ‘Abbas further said: Allah’s Messenger was cupped on his head for unilateral headache while he was in a state of Ihram.
It is narrated on the authority of Humaid that Anas b. Malik (R) was asked about the earnings of the cupper. He said: Allah’s Messenger (may peace be upon him) got himself cupped. His cupper was Abu Taiba and he (the Prophet) commanded to give him two sa’s [a unit of measurement] of dates. He (the Holy Prophet) talked with the members of his family and they lightened the burden of Kharaj (tax) from him (i.e. they made remission in the charges of their own accord). He (Allah’s Messenger) said: The best (treatment) which you take is cupping, or it is the best of your treatments.

Owais Qarni and his love for Prophet

Owais Qarni’s is a story that sets an example for all the Muslims as how even without meeting the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him), one may still earn Allah’s favor and His pleasure, on account of his unflinching love for the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him). Owais Qarni (may Allah bless him) could never meet the Prophet (peace be upon him) in person, but he is arguably the only person in Islamic history who is said to have been accorded the status of sahabi (companion) by none other than Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) himself. (To be a companion, it required the criterion of meeting the Prophet while having faith.)
Imam Muslim named one full chapter in his one of the most reliable tomes of Hadith in Qarni’s name: “The Virtues of Owais Qarni” in Sahih Muslim. It records a Hadith quoting Umar ibn Al-Khattab, who said: “I heard Allah’s Messenger, peace be upon him, saying: ‘There would come to you Owais b. Amir, of Qarn, a branch of the Murid tribe, along with the reinforcement of the people of Yemen. He had been suffering from leprosy which would have been cured but for the space of a dirham. His treatment with his mother would have been very kind. If he would take an oath in the name of Allah (for something), He would honor it. Ask him to beg forgiveness for you (from Allah) in case it is possible for you.”
Qarni was born in Asir region of Saudi Arabia, 594CE. His father, Aamir, was a God-fearing person. He gave Islamic education to his son but died leaving Owais an orphan at a young age. The family was poor and could not afford higher education for him. He devoted him to praying, fasting and service to his mother. Owais had profound love for Islam and its Messenger. Owais learned that there is a great reward in Islam for serving parents. His mother was sick and blind. So he devoted himself solely to the service of his mother. He was 28 years of age when Holy Prophet (peace be upon him) had migrated to Madinah Munawwarah. He had a keen desire to visit him, but was preoccupied with the service of his sick mother. Yet he would keep a tab on the developments in Hijaz.
When he heard about the sad news of the Battle of Ohud (625CE), when a tooth of the Prophet was martyred, Qarni out of love for him, broke all his teeth. Thus was his love for the Holy Prophet (peace be upon him). The Holy Prophet (peace be upon him) knew about Qarni and his love for him. He once told Omar ibn Khattab about Qarni and had predicted that Omar would meet Qarni after his (the Prophet’s) departure from the world. He gave all the details about him and advised him to seek prayers for his forgiveness and for the whole Ummah. The companions asked if they could see him but the Holy Prophet (peace be upon him) replied: “No, only Omar bin Khattab and Ali would meet him,” and gave identity marks of Qarni. He directed Omar and Ali: “When you see him, convey to him my salaam and ask him to pray for my Ummah.”
During Prophet (peace be upon him)’s last days, he asked Omar and Ali to pass his Jubba (the blessed cloak) to Qarni and ask him to pray for the forgiveness of the Muslim Ummah. This demonstrates the exalted status of Qarni. Qarni, the Prophet is said to have remarked, is the best among tabeiin, (second generation of the companions). Qarni rubbed the blessed cloak over his face and eyes, and kissed it, when he finally received it. The blessed cloak, it is said, is preserved in Istanbul, Turkey. Referring to Qarni, the Holy Prophet (peace be upon him) once told his companions: “There is a person in my Ummah whose prayers would bring forgiveness to as many sinners as the number of the sheep in the tribes of Rabia and Mudar.”
The two tribes of Rabia and Mudar were well known for raising sheep during the time of the Holy Prophet (peace be upon him). Usair bin Jabir reported that when people from Yemen came to help (the Muslim army during battle), Caliph Omar would ask them: “Is there among you Owais bin Amir? (He continued finding him out) until he met Qarni. He told him the saying of Holy Prophet (peace be upon him) about him and asked him for his prayer and said: “Where do you intend to go?
He said: To Kufa. Umar said: Let me write a letter for you to its governor, But Owais said: I love to live among the poor people.
Umar was impressed with his simple personality and asked Owais Qarni to pray for him. He replied, “I pray for the forgiveness of everyone at the end of every prayer. If you keep your faith in Allah and His Messenger (peace be upon him), you will receive my prayers in your graves.”Here is the famous invocation of Owais Qarni: “O Allah, You created me when I was not worthy of mention; And You provided for me when I had nothing; And I wronged my soul and sinned, and I confess my guilt. If You forgive me, that will in no way reduce Your sovereignty; And if You punish me, that will in no way augment Your authority. You can find others to punish besides me, But I can find no one to forgive me but You. Truly, You are the most Merciful of those who show mercy. The Holy Prophet (peace be upon him) said “Owais will come to Madinah to meet me, but he will not find me physically, for I shall then be united with my Lord.”
When the people in Qarn began revering him and considering him a saint, on account of his status in Islam, he left Qarn for Kufa where he engaged in imparting Islamic education. Later, he took part in the unfortunate Battle of Siffin (37AH) where he was fatally wounded, subsequently dying at the age of 63. He was buried at Al-Raqqah, Syria. A grand Aal-Zaria Mosque as Jaame Owais Qarni stands at Qarn in Asir region and another Owais Qarni Mosque in Ilford UK. The love of the Holy Prophet is the boon that can be achieved without meeting him. This opens the door for millions of Muslims living in different areas and eras of the world. The life of Owais Qarni encourages us to love Holy Prophet (Peace be upon him) though we have not seen him and to get higher ranks as got by Owais.
Abu Tariq Hijazi 

Ramadan Diary : Preparing for the Holy Month

The month of Ramadan is a time for spiritual reflection, prayer, recitation of the Qur’an, doing Zikr, remembrance of Allah, endurance and self-discipline. It is a month of training the soul and body- to be able to exercise self-restraint. In order to gain the benefit of Ramadan, a Muslim must be fully prepared to embrace the blessed month. Here are some tips to make your Ramadan best ever!
Remaining in
‘Ramadan mode’
By planning for Ramadan before it arrives, you put your mind in “Ramadan mode.” Counting down for Ramadan (whether it is done mentally or by keeping physical signs around the home or office) will help create a buzz in your mind and among the people around you. In the month proceeding Ramadan, the Prophet (peace be upon him) used to pray (dua) with his companions that they may live long enough to see the blessed month of Ramadan. In other words, they would countdown the days and look forward to Ramadan. When you and others are counting down, you will emotionally connect with Ramadan, and it will help you to see it as the special month outside your regular routine the rest of the year.
Refresh your memory 
about Ramadan
We tend to be aware that Ramadan is about abstaining from food, drink and sexual relations during fasting. To plan for Ramadan, we need to be aware about the higher purpose of Ramadan. Learning about the objectives behind Ramadan will help you do things correctly and perfectly for Ramadan to benefit from it. Knowledge about the reward and blessings for actions in Ramadan will incentivize and motivate you to do more and more during Ramadan. The more you know about Ramadan the more you can apply, hence multiplying your rewards and fully benefitting from the mercy of Allah Almighty.

Prepare yourself 
and start early
Before the arrival of Ramadan, prepare yourself spiritually physically and mentally to fully benefit from Ramadan. Do not expect to just click into fasting, praying, reciting the Glorious Qur’an and giving in charity from the first day of Ramadan. Many of us have this ‘light-switch’ approach, where we turn on the switch on day one of Ramadan and go into ‘Ramadan mode.’ This is similar to sprinting during the first legs of a marathon. You will have a lot of energy and motivation at the very beginning, but after a few days you will realize that this pace is not sustainable.
Although, you may be able to carry on, with or without much enthusiasm, during Ramadan as a matter of routine but will not be able to fully reap the benefit and absorb the blessings that descend in this blessed month. Before the month of Ramadan, start the acts of worship early to prepare your body and soul:
Start to pray regularly, if you do not already do so;
Start doing additional prayers well before Ramadan;
Start reciting the glorious Qur’an regularly and reflecting on its meanings;
Start healthy and notorious diet well before Ramadan so that the body gets used to it;
Start to be extra vigilant with your conversation so that there is no gossiping, backbiting, slandering;
Start to control your emotions and actions, such as anger, cheating and being abusive
Start fasting during Sha’ban in accordance with the of the Prophet (peace be upon him).
Make a Ramadan plan
In order to maximize the benefits of anything, it is very important to plan, as failing to plan is planning to fail. Planning is a Sunnah of the Messenger of Allah . He meticulously planned everything and relied on Allah for guidance and accomplishment of his goals. For example, he planned his Hijra to Madinah from asking Sayyiduna Imam Ali to sleep in his place to choosing Sayyidna Abu Bakr Siddique (may Allah bless him) as his companion for the trip to packing supplies and finding the right guide.
Make a list of things you would like to achieve in Ramadan and then think about how you plan on achieving these goals. It is important that goals are realistic and practical. Do not be over-ambitious and think that somehow everything will change in a week, rather take gradual steps to change your direction and turn to Allah Almighty so that you may continue to do these deeds after Ramadan. For instance, having a goal to read the translation and commentary of one page of the Noble Qur’an; spending 30-60 minutes with your family every day and doing a family activity together, picking up a new ‘good’ habit and giving up an old ‘bad’ habit every week, learning something about Islam, whether be a major or minor, on a daily basis
Giving some charity on 
a daily/weekly basis
The list can be as long or as short as you want but the point is that you are consistent with it. Assess yourself at the end of every day so see how well you have done in achieving some of those goals. Ensure that your ‘Ramadan Plan’ does not start and end with Ramadan rather it should be at least 40-60 day plan as the real ‘test’ starts after Ramadan to see whether or not the life-style changes that you made in your life during Ramadan are still with you after Ramadan when the devil has been released back into the world!
Resetting in Ramadan
In order to achieve the goals that you may have set yourself during Ramadan, changes in life-style will have to be made; such changes in daily routines will most certainly have to come with sacrifices and trade-offs. Distractions consume our time and take us away from living a more productive and fulfilling life. During the month of Ramadan our time is at a premium. Our eating and sleeping patterns are altered with early morning suhoor, the occasional nap during the day and late night prayers. If we allow our everyday distractions to continue throughout Ramadan, we risk depriving ourselves from the immense blessings that are available. This includes minimizing and managing our social media (WhatsApp, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram) presence, usage and consumption; minimizing our viewing of the television or playing of video games.
We will only be able to stay away from such distraction if we have built-in ‘alternatives’ in our lives. For instance, replace an ‘entertaining’ App on your smart-phone with a more beneficial App. The time that you used to go a cafe-bar to see your friends, spend that time in a mosque with your friends exploring some aspect of the Qur’an and sunnah of the Prophet (peace be upon him). Initially, these small changes may be difficult to make but gradually you will start seeing the positive impact of such changes on your life. Allah Almighty wants us to take the initial steps toward Him and once we persevere amid adversity and challenges, “He guides us to His path makes it easier for us.” (Qur’an, 29:69)
— imamsonline